Additional Information on Charles Rangel

Additional Information on Charles Rangel

Additional Information on Charles Rangel


* Rangel once served as an honorary president of Americans for Democratic Action.

* In 2008 and 2014, Rangel’s congressional campaigns were endorsed by the J Street Political Action Committee.

* In the summer of 2008, Rangel met with a delegation from Brit Tzedek and praised its work.

* On July 15, 2010, Rangel introduced to Congress his Universal National Service Bill, which called for the reinstatement of a compulsory military draft, or alternative national service, during times of war, for male and female citizens or permanent residents aged 18 to 42.

* In September 2010, Rangel paid tribute to the legacy and life of the Rev. Dr. Lucius Walker, who had died suddenly earlier that month.

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