Additional Information on Badil

Additional Information on Badil

Additional Information on Badil


* In 2010, BADIL sponsored an art competition where one of the winners of its “Al-Awda” award was a cartoon caricature depicting a Hasidic Jewish man standing on a platform that was: (a) labeled “1948”; (b) surrounded by skulls; and (c) crushing two Palestinian children beneath it. The Jew, moreover, was holding a pitchfork dripping with blood. He also held two keys that bore the inscriptions “U.S.A.” and “U.K.,” respectively.

* Starting in July 2013, BADIL was a partner organization in an 18-month project headed by Dan Church Aid and funded by the European Union, to “protect, assist and advocate for the most vulnerable segments of the West Bank … populations affected by the Israeli occupation.”

* In Autumn 2013, BADIL quarterly magazine Al Majdal featured a piece titled “Eight Years of the BDS Movement: Where Have We Come Since 2005?” (BDS)

* Among BADIL’s partner organizations are such entities as: DanChurchAid, thr Middle East Children’s Alliance, Trócaire, Norwegian Peoples Aid, the United Methodist ChurchOxfam, and the Mennonite Central Committee.

* BADIL holds consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council. It is also a member of the Palestinian Human Rights Organizations Council, the Palestinian NGO Network (PNGO), the Global Palestinian Refugee Network, the Occupied Palestine and Golan Heights Advocacy Initiative, the Habitat International Coalition, the Child Rights Information Network, the International Coordinating Network on Palestine, and the European Coordination of Committees and Associations for Palestine.

* BADIL provides no information about its finances, donors, or sources of funding on its website. According to information released independently by some of its donors, BADIL received a core funding grant of $540,000 (2014-2017) from the Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law Secretariat. It has also received funding from DanChurchAid (Denmark) and Trócaire (Ireland).

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