Additional Information on Anna Burger

Additional Information on Anna Burger

Additional Information on Anna Burger


* In 2009, Burger’s political activities became associated with a number of high-profile controversies and investigations. Burger’s close association with the Obama administration came under scrutiny vis a vis the scandals involving Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich. It was alleged that Blagojevich had planned to trade President Obama’s vacated Senate seat in exchange for a high-paying job as head of CTW, where he would have replaced Burger as chair of that organization.

* On December 3, 2009, Americans for Tax Reform (ATR) and the Alliance for Worker Freedom (AWF) filed for a formal investigation into Burger’s lobbying practices. The groups alleged that Burger and her union compatriot, Andrew Stern, had not been registered lobbyists since 2007. According to both groups, after delisting, Burger spent even more of her time — up to 35 percent — on lobbying activities. Consequently, Burger’s (and Stern’s) continuing efforts for, and funding of, the Democratic Party generally (and Barack Obama in particular) were illegal. In January 2010, the office of Secretary of the Senate Nancy Erickson announced, without explanation, that it was closing the investigation and was not recommending that U.S. Attorney Channing Phillips pursue the matter.

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