Rational Games, Inc. (RGI)

Rational Games, Inc. (RGI)


* Assets: $60,634 (2017)
* Grants Received: $0 (2017)
* Grants Awarded: $22,533 (2017)
* Develops “rational communicative games” designed to help negotiators and mediators learn conflict-resolution skills

Rational Games, Inc. (RGI) is a consulting, training and coaching service organization “dedicated to the employment of games and game-like simulations to resolve conflict.” Explaining that “the delight of play unlocks deep potential for conflict resolution,” RGI develops “rational communicative games” designed to help negotiators and mediators learn “proven” and creative “conflict resolution skills” that can lead to diplomatic breakthroughs.

RGI’s major activities fall under three category headings:

* Original Research: “We seek to work with like-minded academic and nonprofit institutions in order to engage in both theoretical and applied projects that are devoted to conflict resolution through games. Our aim is to incorporate game technology in order to further state-of-the-art approaches to negotiation theory, mediation and conflict resolution.”

* Skill-Building: “Wherever possible, we work to develop and disseminate practical know-how in the field of negotiation research, through training, independent consulting and publications, with an aim to helping our clients negotiate more effectively and reach more optimal agreements …”

* Charitable Contributions: RGI awards financial grants to — and does pro bono work for — organizations “demonstrating innovative and effective approaches to the use of games in conflict resolution, as expressed in sport, music, board games, video games or other ways to engage conflict parties in play.”

RGI serves a variety of corporate clients through in-house training seminars; conducts training under a frame agreement with Huthwaite PLC, a UK-based sales- and negotiation-training firm; maintains close ties with Harvard University‘s Program on Negotiation, one of the world’s leading centers of interdisciplinary negotiation research; and works as an associate consultant of the Swiss-based company Egger, Philips and Partner, which is Europe’s sole licensee for the “Harvard approach” to negotiation (where the ultimate aim is to achieve a “win-win” result that satisfies both parties to a dispute).

RGI is a member of the Peace and Security Funders Group, an association of foundations, charitable trusts, and individual philanthropists who “make grants or expenditures that contribute to peace and global security.”

RGI’s president is Mark Young, an independent author, trainer, and consultant with a background in corporate finance. He also worked as a negotiator in the U.S. Department of Commerce.

For additional information on RGI, click here.

(Information on grantees and monetary amounts courtesy of The Foundation Center, GuideStar, ActivistCash, the Capital Research Center and Undue Influence)

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