Careth Foundation

Careth Foundation


* Assets: $2,782,146 (2017)
* Grants Received: $0 (2017)
* Grants Awarded: $100,000 (2017)

The Massachusetts-based CarEth Foundation (CF) was established in 1967 and is closely aligned with the the Proteus Fund. CF’s initial funding came from G. Sterling Grumman (of G. S. Grumman & Associates), who was a sponsor of the Massachusetts Committee to Abolish the House Un-American Activities Committee, a Communist Party front group. Grumman was also a board member with the Center for Defense Information, an Institute for Policy Studies creation that, throughout the Cold War and afterward, consistently sided with the disarmament lobby while opposing the development of new U.S. weapons and anti-missile systems.

The CarEth Foundation was named for two of Grumman’s aunts, Carol and Ethel Grumman—taking the first three letters from each of their names. After Mr. Grumman died in a mountain-climbing accident in 1969, his sister Helen took the reins as president of the Foundation. Another Grumman sister, Ethel Grumman Ackley, eventually replaced Helen in that role. Moreover, two of Ethel’s in-laws, Scott and Ted Ackley, became the Foundation’s vice president and secretary, respectively. And still another relative, Lee Grumman, became CF’s treasurer.

Though CF directed some funding toward anti-biotechnology and anti-globalization organizations in its early years, the Foundation’s primary concern has always involved anti-war initiatives. “The major cause of destructive conflict” around the world, CF claims, is “the existing polarization between the powerful and oppressed.” The Foundation’s mission statement emphasizes a desire to: create “a global community of shared values”; establish “a compassionate world of enduring and just peace with social, economic, and political equality for all”; and “promote peaceful conflict resolution and the elimination of the root causes of conflict.”

Consistent with its “global community” ideal, CF, which is a member organization of the Peace and Security Funders Group, advocates the creation of a worldwide political system wherein all nations must answer to a “global governance framework” founded upon “a vibrant, representative, and multinational social contract.” In its analysis of current trends on the domestic front, CF claims that in the United States too many people “have been excluded from full participation” in political and economic life.

A notable former director of the CarEth Foundation is Byron Rushing, who has been a member of the Massachusetts House of Representatives since 1982. Strongly supportive of affirmative action, Rushing has made racial issues in employment and academia a major focus of his legislative activities. In addition, he was formerly a South Africa rights activist, a director of the Museum of Afro-American History, and a board member of Grassroots International.

Another important CF figure is program director Dini Merz, who also has served in official capacities with the Colombe Foundation and the Proteus Fund.

CF carefully targets its grant-making activities toward organizations that it believes are doing important work to promote international peace. These groups tend to be harshly critical of U.S. foreign and domestic policies, and to side with America’s adversaries in virtually all international disputes. Among the beneficiaries of CarEth Foundation funding are: the American Friends Service Committee, the Center for Economic and Policy Research, the Center for Media and Democracy, Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting, Friends of the Earth, Global Exchange, Grassroots International, the Institute for Policy Studies, the Institute for Public Accuracy, the Interreligious Foundation for Community Organization, the National Council of Churches, the New Israel Fund, the Nonviolent Peaceforce, Public Citizen, Rethinking Schools, Ta’ayush, the Tides Foundation and the Tides Center, and the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom.

To view a list of additional noteworthy CF grantees, click here.

(Information on grantees and monetary amounts courtesy of The Foundation Center, GuideStar, ActivistCash, the Capital Research Center, Undue Influence, and

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