Zuckerberg Meets With Sharpton to Discuss Political Ads

Zuckerberg Meets With Sharpton to Discuss Political Ads

November 5, 2019

Facebook head honcho Mark Zuckerberg reportedly met with Al Sharpton and several other civil rights activists at the CEO’s home this week for a “no-holds-barred-meeting” centering on Facebook’s decision not to fact-check ads from politicians.

According to Breitbart News, Sharpton told Reuters about the two-hour meeting, “We told him that we feel that the exemption for politicians could be used to suppress voting, give wrong messaging and could suppress census taking. He listened. He made no firm commitments of change but he seemed open.”

Zuckerberg has repeatedly defended his company’s decision not to censor content from politicians, stating that he did not want to suppress political speech, although Facebook, like other digital giants, has exhibited blatant left-leaning political bias and engaged in censorship of right-wing views.

Sharpton told Reuters he intended to request meetings with Google and Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey about their stances on political advertising as well.

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