Woke Lancet Praises Pope for LGBTQ and Climate Advocacy

Woke Lancet Praises Pope for LGBTQ and Climate Advocacy

March 28, 2023

The latest issue of the Lancet medical journal praises Pope Francis for his contribution to global health through LGBTQ advocacy, openness to contraception, and environmental activism.

Hailing Francis as “inclusive, progressive, a reformer, and even a ‘disruptor Pope,’” the Lancet focused on three topics only tangentially related to major world health issues.

The pope “has been more welcoming to LGBTQ Catholics who have been marginalized, inviting prominent American LGBTQ Catholics to the Vatican,” the magazine argues. Moreover, the pontiff has criticized anti-LGBTQ legislation in Uganda, insisting that “criminalizing people with homosexual tendencies is an injustice,” the Lancet states.

The Lancet failed to clarify, however, that what Francis said was: “Being homosexual is not a crime. It’s not a crime. Yes, it’s a sin. Well, yes, but let’s make the distinction first between sin and crime.”

The Lancet also lauded the pope’s decision to “circumvent” questions about condom usage, opting instead to talk about family planning “within the context of responsible parenting,” asserting that Catholics need not breed “like rabbits.”

Finally, the pope has made an important contribution to “planetary health,” the journal argued, especially through his insistence on the urgent need to battle climate change.

“The exploitation of the planet has already exceeded acceptable limits,” the pope has asserted.

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