At an elaborate military ceremony for his departure, woke General Mark Milley stepped down Friday as the top U.S. military officer with a parting swipe at former boss Donald Trump, saying no soldier ever swore an oath to serve a “wannabe dictator.”
Milley did not name Trump, but there was no doubt about the target of his barb. “We don’t take an oath to a king, or queen, or a tyrant or a dictator,” Milley said of American soldiers. “And we don’t take an oath to a wannabe dictator.”
During a four-year term — continuing under Biden from 2021 — Milley managed the harrowing exit of US troops from Afghanistan, special forces operations in Syria, and the enormous program to assist Ukraine’s desperate fight against Russian invasion.
As chairman, “it was one crisis right after another,” Milley told AFP last month, the handling of which was one debacle right after another.
The cultural Marxist subversive also declared that a top priority for him was “understanding white rage” and weeding out “whiteness” in the ranks.
You may also recall that after the Capitol chaos on January 6, 2021, the traitor Milley secretly called his Chinese counterpart to reassure Beijing that the United States remained “stable” and had no intention to attack China.
The only downside to Milley’s departure is that his replacement will be even worse.