Widow of Murdered L.A. Sheriff Blasts Soros-Backed D.A. Gascón

Widow of Murdered L.A. Sheriff Blasts Soros-Backed D.A. Gascón

March 16, 2021

In an interview with SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Sunday, Tania Owen, widow of murdered Los Angeles Sheriff’s Sergeant Steve Owen, discussed the recall effort against L.A. District Attorney George Gascón, blasting him for releasing “murderers, robbers, rapists, child killers, cop killers.”

“George Gascón says that only about 15 percent of those going to parole hearings are released, but actually, it’s about 50 percent,” said Owen, whose husband was shot and killed in 2016 while responding to a burglary call. “He’s releasing the most violent criminals, which includes murderers, robbers, rapists, child killers, cop killers.”

Owen continued: Gascón “was voted in to protect the victim, to really be tough on crime, and so he’s actually victimizing all of us who currently have cases going into court as well as [victims and victims’ families] who have had cases [in which criminals] have been sentenced.”

“He’s acting more like a public defender than he is for the people, and so as a result, we just need to to get rid of him,” Owen added. “[Gascón] was served last Monday with papers with the intent to start the recall. In about four weeks, we’re going to get the petitions out there, and we’re going to need about 600,000 signatures — which is about ten percent of the voters of Los Angeles County… I feel very positive, very good about this recall process.”

Formerly a district attorney in San Francisco, Gascón received millions from leftist billionaire agitator George Soros and was sworn in as Los Angeles’s district attorney in January. Owen noted correctly that “George Soros wants to destroy America, bottom line, end of story, and of course he’s going to put his money into all these different people that are running for these positions in all the liberal states… George Soros clearly wants to destroy this country.”

And Gascón is happily doing Soros’ bidding.

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