Whoopi Thanks Pope on Behalf of Her Gay and Divorced Friends

Whoopi Thanks Pope on Behalf of Her Gay and Divorced Friends

October 17, 2023

Monday on the daytime gab-fest The View, unhinged Progressive co-host Whoopi Goldberg revealed she visited with socialist Pope Francis last week and brought him props from her movie Sister Act.

The popular 1992 comedy featured Whoopi as a lounge singer forced into witness protection who disguises herself as a nun and revitalizes the convent’s choir. In the film’s conclusion, the choir performs for the pope.

The View showed a video of the interactions Whoopi had with Francis, including him looking through the various Sister Act items.

“One of the best things you can do for people is to help them have joy and to make them laugh,” Francis reportedly told Whoopi.

“He is exactly what I hoped he would be, which is a pope for all people regardless of religion, which I really appreciated, and I wanted to thank him for all of my gay friends, and for all of my divorced friends because he basically has said, ‘Listen, God loves you no matter what. Come back to the church.’ I appreciated that,” Goldberg told her co-hosts and audience.

A pope for all people regardless of religion? What’s the point of being Catholic, then? And yes, God loves you, but not unconditionally as you are. He expects you to change. He expects you to stop sinning. He expects you to throw off the curse of what you have been and strive to be holy instead.

But Progressives like Whoopi don’t want a religion that puts moral demands on them. They want a God who affirms them and their sinful choices as they are. The fact that Pope Francis appeals to Progressives speaks volumes about his leftist leanings.

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