Whitmer: I ‘Understand’ the ‘Defund Police’ Sentiment

Whitmer: I ‘Understand’ the ‘Defund Police’ Sentiment

June 5, 2020

Thursday on Michigan radio show Mojo In The Morning, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer said she understands the “Defund Police” sentiment circulating in the wake of George Floyd’s death in police custody.

Asked what the world would be like without police, Whitmer replied, “I understand the frustration and the sentiment,” adding that “the youth of our country are going to take up the lead soon” but she’s “concerned about the sweeping observations people have.”

Whitmer announced that she has created an “equity and inclusion office” to increase minority applicants to the Michigan State Police to “at least” 25% and the female trooper pool by 20%. She also participated on Thursday in a protest in Detroit, marching with a group chanting “Hands up, don’t shoot,” the fraudulent slogan from the 2014 shooting of Michael Brown.

It’s hard to imagine a more catastrophic solution to the current racial tension than the defunding (and ultimate elimination) of police departments. Black communities will collapse into hellholes of criminal activity, and innocent blacks will be the victims.

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