Whitmer Declares Eve of Biden Inauguration ‘Day of Racial Healing’

Whitmer Declares Eve of Biden Inauguration ‘Day of Racial Healing’

January 20, 2021

In a news release, tyrannical Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, a co-chair of Joe Biden’s inauguration, declared Tuesday, January 19, a “Day of Racial Healing” in the state.

“After the events over the past few weeks, we must take a hard look at the state of rising racial tensions in our country to enact change and begin healing and transformation,” Whitmer stated. “Whereas, we understand and recognize that there is a racial divide in our country, and we must all work earnestly to heal the wounds created by racial, ethnic, and religious bias and build an equitable and just society so that all children can thrive.”

Whitmer neglected to address the fact that those rising racial tensions are the result of the Democrats’ divisive “identity politics” which have fabricated and rubbed raw racial resentments in order to set Americans against each other, not unite us.

“If we all dedicate ourselves to the principles of truth, racial healing, and transformation, we can bring about the necessary changes in thinking, behavior, and systems that will reduce the harmful effects of racial biases and propel this great country forward as a unified force,” she continued.

Whitmer stands with her fellow Democrats in declaring America a white supremacist nation that is exceptional only in the degree of its racial oppression, a nation that must be “fundamentally transformed” into a Progressive utopia in which we obsess over our own and each other’s skin color.

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