Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer on Wednesday threatened the legislature and citizens circulating petitions, dismissing any attempt to limit her power as “irresponsible, dangerous, and foolish.”
“I want to be very clear,” the petty tyrant said, “any attempt to strip away the powers of the governor during this time is irresponsible, dangerous, and foolish.”
The organizers of the Restore Freedom Initiative seek to enshrine in the Michigan Constitution that government officials would no longer have the power to “take away our rights to worship, assemble, speak freely, petition our government for a redress of grievances, or others related to our life, liberty or property – in times of emergency or not – without proving beyond a reasonable doubt that depriving us of that right is necessary because we are imminently harming the life, liberty or property of another person.”
Organizers argue that Whitmer has acted “unlawfully” and that “people absolutely should not be complying with” her draconian lockdown orders.