West: Biden ‘Cheapened’ Black Life, Has ‘Blood on His Hands’

West: Biden ‘Cheapened’ Black Life, Has ‘Blood on His Hands’

April 22, 2021

Tuesday evening on The Mehdi Hasan Show, race-mongering radical and philosophy professor Cornel West accused the left’s placeholder President Joe Biden of having “blood on his hands” for past statements as well as being “one of the architects of mass incarceration.”

Asked about the guilty verdict in the Derek Chauvin trial, Cornel replied, “We got to see what kind of follow-through we have. The very fact that they have a public lynching the whole world sees and you send the policeman to jail, you know that’s not worthy of breakdancing, brother. That’s one plus one equals two.”

In addition, Biden has “done some wonderful things in terms of relief deals and infrastructure and Yemen and Afghanistan, but you know he’s got blood on his hands when it comes to being one of the architects of mass incarceration. It was his rhetoric November 18th, 1994, when he said people who look like me, people who look like George Floyd, he said ‘he’s a predator’; ‘they’re beyond, beyond reform’; ‘throw them in jail and throw the keys away.’

“Well, you see that cheapened black life,” West added. “That has contributed to the attitude of some of the police.”

West went on to claim ludicrously that “the system” is “shot through with so much white supremacist rot… [that] it is chronic. It is systemic.”

There is demonstrably no “systemic” racism in America. There is, however, systemic Marxism in the Democratic Party, and West is a propagandist for it.

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