Waters: We Will ‘Move Very Quickly’ on Impeaching Trump

Waters: We Will ‘Move Very Quickly’ on Impeaching Trump

September 25, 2019

Tuesday on MSNBC’s The Rachel Maddow Show, Rep. Maxine Waters assured host Rachel Maddow that House Democrats will “move very quickly” to bring articles of impeachment against President Trump for his involvement in a “scandal” centered on purported “collusion” with the Ukraine president in a phone conversation about 2020 Democrat rival Joe Biden.

Maddow asked, “Can you tell us anything about the expected timeline there, either in terms of when you and your fellow chairs are expected to meet to talk together about these matters or when this overall is something that we should expect to come to fruition?”

“Well, it’s going to move very quickly,” Waters said. “We met today and we will be meeting perhaps tomorrow, programs the next day, but it’s going to move quickly.”

It may move quickly, but it will go nowhere because not only has Trump committed no impeachable offense, he has even offered to make the phone call transcript public. The Democrats have very likely blown the 2020 election over this misstep.

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