After the White House chief of staff issued a statement Thursday saying there was “absolutely no quid pro quo between Ukrainian military aid and any investigation into the 2016 election,” Rep. Maxine Waters called President Trump “the most corrupt man in America.”
“There was a quid pro quo. Absolutely,” the impeachment-obsessed Waters claimed on CNN’s OutFront, “The president is talking about the reason he’s into this altogether is simply he’s trying to get the president of the Ukraine to investigate corruption.
“He’s the most corrupt man in America, the president of the United States who has cheated, you know, contractor, subcontractors, won’t show his own tax returns to Americans, who has cheated students who in the fake university so-called up in New York, the Trump University and he’s talking about, he’s going all of the way to Ukraine so that he can get the president to investigate corruption. Give me a break. They’re liars. They’re cheaters. These are con men,” Waters ranted.
Waters is arguably the most corrupt member of Congress and an inveterate smearer of her political opponents. Click the profile link above to learn more.