Waters Tells Trump to ‘Pack Up His Tanning Bed’ and Leave

Waters Tells Trump to ‘Pack Up His Tanning Bed’ and Leave

November 9, 2019

Anti-Trump hysteric Rep. Maxine Waters went on a Twitter ranted Friday, praising House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff and urging President Trump to “pack up his tanning bed & leave.”

“GOP scrambling & can’t get their lies straight,” Waters spewed. “First they say no quid pro quo when Trump w/held mil. aid from Ukraine for dirt on Biden. Then Mulvaney says this happens all the time & ‘get over it.’ Lies getting entangled…

“Sondland lied in his early testimony defending Trump and now that he sees the facts are unfolding about this crooked president, he has changed his lies & confirmed a quid pro quo,” she added. “He’s only telling the truth now to save his hide! You can run but you can’t hide.”

“Trump can’t intimidate Schiff or stop the facts. He should just take a cue from Nixon, pack up his tanning bed & leave,” continued Waters, who has spent the entire Trump presidency calling for his impeachment while doing nothing for her constituents.

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