Waters: SCOTUS ‘Gave Us a Road Map’ to Get Trump’s Records

Waters: SCOTUS ‘Gave Us a Road Map’ to Get Trump’s Records

July 11, 2020

Thursday on MSNBC, Rep. Maxine Waters said the Supreme Court gave Congress a “road map” on how to get the records of President Trump’s business transactions with Deutsche Bank.

“As the chair of the Financial Services Committee, we learned an awful lot about this president, his relationship to Deutsche Bank,” Waters said. “Deutsche Bank had a reputation for money laundering. Deutsche Bank was the only bank in the world that would lend money to President Trump. All of the other banks had decided that they would not indulge with him, that he has shown to be dishonorable, that he did not pay his bills. That his information was oftentimes false information that he has given about his assets, etc., etc.”

She went on to blather that the ruling “gave us a road map” to get to Trump’s financial records. “And so, we’re going to pursue it… We think we can prevail on this. This was not political.”

Not political? The Democrat obsession with impeaching Trump has been nothing but partisan politics.

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