Warren: ‘Warning Lights’ of an Economic Crisis ‘Are Flashing’

Warren: ‘Warning Lights’ of an Economic Crisis ‘Are Flashing’

July 22, 2019

White House hopeful Elizabeth Warren declared Monday in an article on Medium that another economic crisis is looming and the “warning lights are flashing.”

In “The Coming Economic Crash — And How to Stop It,” Warren warned, “When I look at the economy today, I see a lot to worry about again. I see a manufacturing sector in recession. I see a precarious economy that is built on debt — both household debt and corporate debt — and that is vulnerable to shocks. And I see a number of serious shocks on the horizon that could cause our economy’s shaky foundation to crumble.”

In the article she offered a plan to deal with the coming threat, the economically disastrous steps of which include raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour, erasing student debt, offering “free” college and “free” universal childcare, and pumping $2 trillion into a Green Investment Plan to combat the mythical “existential threat of climate change.”

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