In response to Walmart’s announcement that it would ban open carry, discontinue the sale of certain ammunition, and push the Trump administration to pursue greater gun control measures, presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren declared that the decision is a “good start” but “not nearly enough.”
In the wake of last weekend’s mass shooting in Texas, Walmart CEO Doug McMillon issued a statement in which he said that open carry in stores “could lead to tragic results.” He added that the company would send “letters to the White House” to ask for “common sense measures” on firearms. Walmart is also discontinuing the sale of ammunition for AR-15s and AK-47s, and will cease all handgun sales in the state of Alaska.
“This is a good start—but it’s not nearly enough,” Warren tweeted. “Walmart can and should do much more. And we need real gun reform, now.” Gun reform sounds innocuous, but for Democrats it means totalitarian measures such as confiscating “assault weapons” and/or jettisoning the 2nd Amendment altogether.