Warren Slams Christian Schools for ‘Anti-LGBTQ+ Policies’

Warren Slams Christian Schools for ‘Anti-LGBTQ+ Policies’

January 29, 2020

Presidential contender Elizabeth Warren tweeted on Sunday a link to a HuffPo article to support her condemnation of Christian schools that, she claims, hold “anti-LGBTQ+ policies.”

“States should focus on funding public schools, not private ones – especially not ones that maintain anti-LGBTQ+ policies,” Warren wrote on Twitter. “We must ensure every kid – especially LGBTQ+ kids – can get a high quality public education.”

Breitbart News reports that the article provides examples of “anti-LGBTQ policies” such as a handbook from the Stillwater Christian School in Kalispell, Montana, that states, “God wonderfully and immutably creates each person as male or female,” and “God created marriage to be exclusively the union of one man and one woman.” The handbook also says “students and campus visitors must use restrooms, locker rooms, and changing facilities conforming with their biological sex.”

Warren and her fellow Democrat candidates all support the bullying LGBT lobby and its anti-Christian agenda.

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