Warren Refuses to Celebrate Columbus Day

Warren Refuses to Celebrate Columbus Day

October 9, 2018

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) refused to celebrate Columbus Day on Monday, opting instead to observe Indigenous Peoples’ Day, a trend that is growing throughout the United States. Warren has claimed to have Native American ancestry, something conservatives frequently mock about “Fauxcahontas.”

James Robbins, author of Erasing America, said Monday on Tucker Carlson Tonight that the Massachusetts senator’s decision is part of a larger trend in the U.S. “The trend is to assault the American narrative to make us all feel ashamed to be Americans,” Robbins said.

Robbins said that progressive leaders want people to feel bad about the country’s past and thus believe they can rewrite its future. Carlson added that progressives mean to say that Americans don’t have the “moral legitimacy” to defend their country.

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