Warren: GOP Trying to Keep Minorities, Students from Voting

Warren: GOP Trying to Keep Minorities, Students from Voting

January 20, 2022

During a Tuesday interview with CBS’s Mornings, radical harpy Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) claimed falsely and absurdly that GOP-led state legislatures across the United States are trying to prevent “black people, brown people, college students” and “people who live on tribal reservations” from voting.

“Understand it this way — voting is foundational,” Warren ranted. “That is the whole premise of our democracy. And before we get to the procedural part, keep this in mind: that state legislatures all across the country controlled by Republicans are doing everything they can to keep people from voting. Who are they trying to keep from voting? Black people, brown people, college students, people who live on tribal reservations, trying to keep those folks from voting because they might vote Democratic.”

Republicans are doing no such thing and Warren knows it, but while we’re on the topic, could it not be said that Democrats “are doing everything they can” to pack the country with illegal migrants precisely because they “might vote Democratic”? Aren’t Democrats doing everything they can to smear Republicans as racists precisely in the hopes that “black people, brown people, college students, and people who live on tribal reservations” will then “vote Democratic”?

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