Warren: Gay, Interracial Marriage Imperiled by Draft Roe Decision

Warren: Gay, Interracial Marriage Imperiled by Draft Roe Decision

May 9, 2022

Friday on ABC’s The View, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) warned hysterically that interracial marriage and gay marriage are in jeopardy due to the implications of Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito‘s leaked draft opinion overturning Roe v. Wade.

Asked what the decision means in terms of established law and if people in gay marriages should be afraid, Warren replied, “So when you read Justice Alito’s opinion, what he focuses on is history, and he says we don’t have to protect our access to abortion because historically we haven’t had that access. Boy, that ought to make your gay friends nervous because we don’t have a long history of protecting equal marriage. We don’t have a long history of protecting interracial marriage. We don’t have a long history of protecting access to contraception. All of those things that we have now counted on instead — that’s the America we are — could potentially, under Justice Alito’s own analysis, go out. This is the reason we cannot have a right-wing fringe court dictate to the rest of America.”

This is ludicrous fear-mongering, but of course, that’s Warren’s style. “Historical access” is not the key reasoning behind Alito’s opinion, and in any case, conservatives have absolutely zero interest in banning interracial marriage, access to contraception, or the like. Nor is the Supreme Court a “right-wing fringe,” but anytime a decision doesn’t go the Left’s way, that is the false narrative the Left promotes. Any decision they like is “on the right side of history,” and any decision they don’t is “right-wing fringe.”

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