Warren: Canceling ‘Student Debt is a Gender Justice Issue’

Warren: Canceling ‘Student Debt is a Gender Justice Issue’

March 24, 2022

Thursday on Twitter, radical harpy Sen. Elizabeth Warren wrote that student debt should be canceled because of “gender justice.”

“Women owe over two-thirds of student debt,” she tweeted. “Canceling student debt would help give millions of women a fair shot at starting a business, saving for a home, and pursuing their dreams. Student debt is a gender justice issue. It’s time for @POTUS to act.”

“Millennial women (35%) are more than three times as likely as their male peers (11%) to not have completely understood their financing options when applying to college,” student loan refinancing company Laurel Road found in a 2018 report.

Did those millennial women understand that they have to pay back the loans? Because that seems like a basic thing to understand about accepting a loan.

Warren did not mention whether people who have taken responsibility for working hard to pay back their student loans would get government refunds as well.

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