Warnock: Republicans ‘Refusing to Protect Minority Rights’

Warnock: Republicans ‘Refusing to Protect Minority Rights’

March 30, 2021

Sunday on CNN’s State of the Union, Sen. Raphael Warnock claimed falsely that Republican senators were holding on to the filibuster rule to protect minority rights in the Senate “while refusing to protect minority rights in the society.”

Anchor Dana Bash asked, “At his press conference, President Biden indicated he is open to some [filibuster] reforms and says he considers the filibuster a relic of Jim Crow. He still won’t call for eliminating it outright? Does he need to do that?”

Warnock replied, “I think that we have to pass voting rights no matter what. And the reason why I have conspired, insisted that we talk to our Republican sisters and brothers on the other side of the aisle, is because if we don’t do anything else in the Senate, we have to stand up for the democracy. The filibuster at the end of the day is about minority rights in the Senate. How are you going to insist on protecting minority rights in the Senate while refusing to protect minority rights in the society?”

Fact check: no one is refusing to protect minority rights, but Democrats must insist relentlessly that America is a white supremacist nation and that minorities are constantly under the oppressive boot heel of racist Republicans.

Warnock is a race huckster who won his seat in the Senate through voter fraud. If anyone in America needs their rights protected, it is the legal citizens whose legal votes are illegally erased in elections made fraudulent by Democrats who lust for power by any means necessary.

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