War-Mongering Raskin Defends Woke War Against Russia

War-Mongering Raskin Defends Woke War Against Russia

October 27, 2022

In an October 25 statement issued after 30 progressives withdrew their plea for peace talks, radical war-monger and Democrat Rep. Jamie Raskin attempted to justify the military campaign against nuclear-armed Russia as a war in defense of woke values.

“Moscow right now is … a world center of antifeminist, antigay, anti-trans hatred, as well as the homeland of replacement theory for export,” Raskinclaimed. His letter added,

Moscow right now is a hub of corrupt tyranny, censorship, authoritarian repression, police violence, propaganda, government lies and disinformation, and planning for war crimes … In supporting Ukraine, we are opposing these fascist views, and supporting the urgent principles of democratic pluralism. Ukraine is not perfect, of course, but its society is organized on the radically different principles of democracy and freedom …

An October 25 poll by the Trafalgar Group asked: “What type of ongoing aid from the U.S. for Ukraine are you most likely to support?” Just 40 percent supported a continued inflow of weaponry and money to Ukraine, according to the poll. Twenty-five percent opposed any aid. Thirty-one percent favor a continued transfer of weaponry — but not money — to Ukraine .

Raskin’s statement also escalates the conflict to a worldwide war of all against “autocracy”: “All champions of democracy over autocracy—whether they call themselves progressives, conservatives or liberals—should be doing whatever we can to ensure that Ukraine wins this just war as quickly as possible.”

“I think people are gonna be sitting in a recession and they’re not going to write a blank check to Ukraine,” GOP House leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), told Punchbowl News. “Ukraine is important, but at the same time, it can’t be the only thing they do, and it can’t be a blank check.”

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