U.N. Declares March 15 ‘Intl Day to Combat Islamophobia’

U.N. Declares March 15 ‘Intl Day to Combat Islamophobia’

March 16, 2022

Demonstrating once again its uselessness, the United Nations General Assembly on Tuesday adopted a resolution to declare March 15 the “International Day to Combat Islamophobia.”

March 15 was selected because it is the date of the 2019 Christchurch mosque massacre in New Zealand.

Unsurprisingly, the resolution was proposed by the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and Pakistan, which supports China’s campaign of genocide against the Uyghur Muslims, which the resolution ignored. Instead, it focused on “xenophobia, negative profiling, and stereotyping of Muslims.”

“Its manifestations – hate speech, discrimination, and violence against Muslims – are proliferating in several parts of the world,” said Pakistan’s ambassador to the United Nations, Munir Akram, introducing the resolution. “Such acts of discrimination, hostility and violence towards Muslims – individuals and communities – constitute grave violations of their human rights, and violate their freedom of religion and belief. They also cause great anguish within the Islamic world,” Akram said.

The U.N. resolution declares that terrorism “cannot and should not be associated with any religion, nationality, civilization, or ethnic group.”

Tell that to jihadists motivated by Islam to “cause great anguish” in the infidel world.

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