Discussing the “scam” impeachment inquiry during a live phone interview with Fox News’ Fox & Friends on Friday, President Trump lamented having to deal with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, calling her “crazy as a bedbug.”
“I have to deal with crazy Nancy. I mean, she’s crazy as a bed bug. She is nuts,” Trump said. “What she’s doing — and she’s not talented. She’s highly overrated. All she’s doing is sitting. She’s not doing anything for the people.” Pelosi may or may not be certifiably crazy, but Trump is correct that the Democrats have obsessed over impeaching Trump since he took office, neglecting to do anything for the American people.
“And now it turns out that the whole impeachment thing is a scam,” the President added.
Trump is also correct about this. The impeachment inquiry is a fraudulent, desperate ploy by the Democrats to remove Trump from office or at least delegitimize him as a viable choice for re-election in 2020 — because they know none of their candidates can beat him.