Trump PAC Slams Rev. Warnock with TV Ad on Ex-Wife Problems

Trump PAC Slams Rev. Warnock with TV Ad on Ex-Wife Problems

October 26, 2022

Breitbart News reports that a super PAC backed by former President Trump will air a TV ad across Georgia beginning Wednesday that highlights past turmoil between left-wing radical Sen. Raphael Warnock and his ex-wife.

MAGA Inc. is dedicating nearly $1 million to the ad launch, a figure that adds to the $1.6 million the group has already spent targeting Warnock.

The ad features bodycam footage of Warnock’s ex-wife, Ouleye Ndoye, telling Atlanta police Warnock is a “great actor.” The now-viral comment, which Ndoye made in March 2020, occurred right after Ndoye reported to police that Warnock ran over her foot with a car, an accusation Warnock denies.

A transcript of the ad reads:

NARRATOR: Raphael Warnock’s ex wife reported him to the Atlanta police.

NDOYE: I’ve tried to keep the way he acts under wraps for a long time and today he crossed the line. He’s a great actor.

NARRATOR: Warnock’s ex-wife said he assaulted her and that he refuses to pay child support. Raphael Warnock is a holier-than-thou hypocrite. Vote this Biden Democrat out.

MAGA Inc.’s ad also alludes to a more recent complaint, filed by Ndoye in February 2022, in which she accused Warnock of being in “willful contempt” of his child custody agreement.

“Raphael Warnock is unfit to serve in the Senate,” said a MAGA Inc. official. “President Trump will continue to do what is necessary to defeat radical Democrats and ensure America First victories on November 8.”

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