Trump Mocks Pelosi for Getting Caught Unmasked in Hair Salon

Trump Mocks Pelosi for Getting Caught Unmasked in Hair Salon

September 3, 2020

President Trump took to Twitter on Wednesday to mock House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for getting caught at a San Francisco hair salon without wearing a mask.

“Crazy Nancy Pelosi is being decimated for having a beauty parlor opened when all others are closed, and for not wearing a Mask – despite constantly lecturing everyone else,” Trump tweeted, after leaked security footage showed Pelosi at a hair salon without a mask — even though hair salons remain closed in San Francisco. The salon owner Erica Kious called Pelosi’s action a “slap in the face” when she herself is not allowed to work inside the building.

Trump also shared a video of Pelosi telling Americans on Wednesday to wear masks, despite her own violation in San Francisco. “The Beauty Parlor owner must really dislike Crazy Nancy Pelosi,” Trump added. “Turning her in, on tape, is a really big deal. She probably treats him like she treats everyone else.”

Pelosi, in true Democrat fashion, refused to take responsibility, claiming she was “set up”: “I take responsibility for trusting the word of the neighborhood salon that I have been to many times,” she told reporters. “When they said they could accommodate people one at a time, and we can set up that time, I trusted that. As it turns out, it was a set up. So I take responsibility for falling for a setup.” She added: “The salon owes me an apology.”

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