Torres: GOP Needs Anti-Immigrant Hatred to Continue Racist Policies and Terrorism

Torres: GOP Needs Anti-Immigrant Hatred to Continue Racist Policies and Terrorism

May 23, 2022

Friday on MSNBC’s José Díaz-Balart Reports, Rep. Norma Torres (D-CA) claimed falsely and hatefully that the Republicans intentionally stoke anti-immigration animus in order to “continue their policies of racism and domestic terrorism.”

Torres said, “We have to remember that Title 42 was a very biased policy instituted by former President Trump. This is a president that incarcerated and put families and children in cages. If Republicans want Title 42 lifted and they don’t want to allow asylum seekers into our country, which our country has a very strict asylum laws on the books already, then they should work on those issues. But utilizing this very mean-spirited policy to turn away women and children that are seeking help from our country is absolutely inhumane and wrong.”

This is, to put it politely, a completely meretricious representation of the facts about Title 42, immigration law, and what Republicans want. Torres is a liar and propagandist.

She continued, “I understand we cannot help every single person at our southern border, and I have spent the last seven and a half years in Congress working on addressing the root causes of migration. This is not a single issue. This is not just a border issue. We have to be very, very clear that our borders are not open. They have never been open.”

Fact check: the southern border is open. Wide open.

Torres went on to blame Republicans for stalling immigration solutions “because they need this hatred, anti-immigrant hatred, in order to continue their policies of racism and domestic terrorism.”

In addition to being an ugly lie, this is not a helpful solution to the border crisis. But that’s because Torres and her party do not see open borders as a crisis. It is, in fact, their agenda.

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