Ta-Nehisi Coates Says Biden ‘Shouldn’t Be President’

Ta-Nehisi Coates Says Biden ‘Shouldn’t Be President’

June 20, 2019

Author and slavery reparations activist Ta-Nehisi Coates declared Thursday that 2020 White House hopeful Joe Biden “shouldn’t be president.”

Asked during an appearance on Democracy Now what he thought about the controversy surrounding Biden over speaking fondly of segregationist Democrat lawmakers Jim Eastland and Hermy Talmadge, Coates replied, “Joe Biden shouldn’t be president. I don’t think I’m breaking any news here; if he ends up being the nominee, better him than Trump. But I think that’s a really, really low standard.”

“The fact of the matter,” Coates added, ” is that Joe Biden owes his very presence in the [presidential] race right now to the first black president Barack Obama,” whom Biden served under as Vice President.

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