In a recent interview with Variety, Democrat mega-fundraiser and former entertainer Barbra Streisand praised President Joe Biden for — wait for it — “his honesty, his integrity,” and his “love of facts.”
“I love Biden. I love his compassion, his honesty, his integrity, his love of facts, not fiction,” gushed the anti-Trump hysteric Babs, who campaigned for Biden during last year’s presidential race. The Variety interviewer did not challenge her wildly-skewed assessment of the hate-mongering, corrupt, lying, placeholder president Biden.
“He is a good-hearted soul, intelligent. Years in the Senate,” she continued, as if being a lifelong politician suggests anything positive about a man. What it actually suggests is that he is more adept at playing the game of politics than at actually accomplishing anything for his constituents, and is completely out of touch with real people in America.
“I’m a big fan,” Streisand added unnecessarily, asserting that the country is “certainly headed in the right direction” now. The right direction? The only direction this country is going under Biden is south.