Steyer: Impeach Trump For High Crimes and Misdemeanors

Steyer: Impeach Trump For High Crimes and Misdemeanors

November 6, 2018

In a Monday interview with CNN host Jake Tapper, billionaire Democrat Party mega-donor and environmental activist Tom Steyer listed the reasons he believes President Trump must be impeached.

“The most obvious ones are corruption, which is the emoluments clause… Obstruction of justice, where we’ve seen him continually attempt to obstruct the [Mueller] investigation…

“There is the attacks on the free press,” Steyer continued. “When you watch what he’s done at the end of this campaign, when you see the [migrant caravan] ad he ran… This is someone who’s breaking his oath to the American people, his oath to the Constitution and those are high crimes and misdemeanors and it is urgent to get him out.”

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