Stewart: Biden the Right Person for Country in ‘Terrible Anguish’

Stewart: Biden the Right Person for Country in ‘Terrible Anguish’

June 25, 2020

On CBS’s The Late Show With Stephen Colbert, former The Daily Show host Jon Stewart said candidate Joe Biden initially was “not my guy” but he now believes Biden is the right choice for the country, which he says is in “terrible anguish.”

Asked whether Stewart thinks Biden or Donald Trump will win in November, he replied, “It’s a toss-up, I’m going back and forth.” He went on to criticize Trump, predictably, for incompetence as president.

“Biden was not my guy,” Stewart continued. “He wasn’t even in the top four. I was just more of a Sanders/Warren guy… I’m not crazy about the Uncle Joe character… the “Hey, how ya doin’, I took down Corn Pop.” I don’t like that sthick… But I feel like that’s not the core of who that guy really is.” Biden has no core. If elected he will be a figurehead for a more powerful and radical vice president and other figures.

“We are a country in terrible anguish right now,” Stewart added. “We are in pain.” Indeed, the country is in pain — because of Democrat obstructionism and radicalism.

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