Spike Lee Compares Black Trump Supporters to Slaves

Spike Lee Compares Black Trump Supporters to Slaves

March 5, 2020

Hollywood director Spike Lee took to Instagram on Monday to attack a group of black supporters of President Trump, comparing them to house slaves.

The BlackkKlansman director shared a photo of several black civic and religious leaders who had met and prayed with President Trump inside the White House. “Massa, We Love You, Massa. We Gonna Pray Fo’ You Massa”. Singing- “Swing Low, Sweet Chariot,” Lee wrote. Smearing black Trump supporters as race traitors is one way Democrats keep them on the plantation.

“In every field, every generation, and every calling, African-Americans have lifted up our nation to new heights — and, like all citizens, you are entitled to a government that puts your needs, your interests, and your families first,” Trump had said during the meeting.

As noted by Breitbart News, recent polls show growing support for Donald Trump in the black community. One survey of black voters found that support for the president has grown by 50 percent and that a large number are unhappy with the Democrat Party.

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