Sharpton to Scott: ‘The Practice of America Was Built on Racism’

Sharpton to Scott: ‘The Practice of America Was Built on Racism’

May 4, 2021

In a speech Monday at the funeral of Andrew Brown Jr., a black man shot by law enforcement in North Carolina, race hustler Al Sharpton argued that “the practice of America was built on racism,” in response to Sen. Tim Scott’s (R-SC) recent declaration that the U.S. is “not a racist country.”

“Now, everybody in America is not racist,” the Rev. Al grudgingly conceded. “But are you talking about whether the practice of America’s racist, or the people, ’cause the practice of America was built on racism.”

This is an absolute lie, but par for the course for Sharpton, who has built a lucrative career milking racial guilt.

The racist left like Sharpton, enraged by the Tim Scott’s patriotic and courageous rebuttal to President Biden’s smear about American white supremacy, have spewed a torrent of racial hate at the black Republican. Most Americans are responding favorably to Scott’s uplifting vision of this country, so Democrats have made their plantation runaway a prime target for their politics of personal destruction.

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