Sharpton Attacks Trump’s Rhetoric on Immigrant Children

Sharpton Attacks Trump’s Rhetoric on Immigrant Children

January 21, 2019

Friday on MSNBC’s Deadline, host Al Sharpton said President Trump’s immigration rhetoric treats immigrant children as “murderers and rapists.”

Discussing the 2016 Republican presidential candidates allowing then-candidate Trump to take a hard line on immigration, Sharpton said, “Someone should have said, ‘Let me tell you something, I’m not accepting this new model where human beings are not human beings’… They should have called him out and said ‘No, America does not stand for this kind of dehumanizing people.

“We’re talking about children, children didn’t come here to do anything to anybody… Their parents brought them here for a better life, and they’re being turned into murderers and rapists. How dare you, and someone should say it to his face.”

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