Schumer: ‘We’re Nothing If We’re Not a Nation of Immigrants’

Schumer: ‘We’re Nothing If We’re Not a Nation of Immigrants’

December 4, 2020

In an online meeting of pro-migration business leaders on Thursday, Democrat leaders such as Charles Schumer asserting that Americans are “nothing if we’re not a nation of immigrants.”

“Immigrants built this country with their hands, enriched our culture with their minds and spirit, and provided the spark that drives our economy,” Schumer told the American Business Immigration Coalition.

“Many of you may not know this,” he continued, noting that his middle name is Ellis, after Ellis Island, and that his second daughter is named after the poet Emma Lazarus, whose famous lines about “your poor, your tired, your huddled masses yearning to be free” adorn the Statue of Liberty pedestal. “So this is in my bones as a New Yorker, as someone whose grandparents immigrated to the country in search of a better life.

Schumer’s deputy, Sen. Dick Durbin made the same pro-immigration pitch, saying, “We should have refugee settlement… they ought to be given a chance to come out into an area where they won’t be persecuted, and have an opportunity to live their life.”

Immigration — legal, sensible immigration that elevates us as a country and does not adversely impact other American citizens — is not the issue. The issue is that open-borders Democrats want to flood the country with illegal aliens and entice them with government freebies to swell the Party’s voter base. That is un-American.

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