Schumer: Pelosi Prevented a Quick Impeachment Acquittal

Schumer: Pelosi Prevented a Quick Impeachment Acquittal

January 8, 2020

On Tuesday, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer defended House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s refusal to send the two articles of President Trump’s impeachment to the Senate, arguing that she had “prevented a quick acquittal” of the president.

“She wanted to see the arena in which she was playing when it came to a trial so she could appoint impeachment managers,” Schumer claimed, adding, “Now it’s becoming clear that Mitch McConnell will do whatever he can to avoid a fair trial, so she has some idea of what’s happening.

“If you’re afraid of the facts,” he continued, “if you’re afraid of what will come out, if you want to cover it up even in something as weighty and serious as impeachment, you say no witnesses and no documents.”

No one is fooled by this bluster. The reality is that Pelosi held onto the articles of impeachment because she knew the sham process would be shot down in the Senate. There is no substance whatsoever to the articles.

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