Schiff to GOP Senators: Don’t Blind Yourself to the ‘Truth’

Schiff to GOP Senators: Don’t Blind Yourself to the ‘Truth’

January 16, 2020

Wednesday on CNN’s Situation Room, Rep. Adam Schiff said Republican senators will be asked why they blinded themselves to the truth if they block witnesses and documents in President Trump’s impeachment trial.

“I hope all the senators, not just these four, take their oath seriously,” Schiff said. “They will be sworn in. They will be sworn to an oath that requires them to be impartial. If they are truly impartial, they will want a fair trial. Fair to the president and the American people. They will want witnesses and want to see the documents. I hope that will take that oath seriously.”

“I would remind the senators when making the decision, this information will come out anyway… [I]f they vote against witnesses and documents, they will have to explain when the new evidence does come out why did they oppose hearing this when it would have made a difference during the impeachment trial. Why did they blind themselves to the truth?”

The GOP Senators can’t be trusted to be impartial? The entire Democrat impeachment is a partisan sham.

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