Schiff: ‘Compelling Evidence’ Trump Obstructed Congress

Schiff: ‘Compelling Evidence’ Trump Obstructed Congress

April 27, 2022

Monday on MSNBC’s The Rachel Maddow Show, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) claimed that the evidence obtained by the House select committee investigating the U.S. Capitol chaos on January 6, 2021, shows that former President Trump and “others” engaged in criminal activity to obstruct Congress.

Asked by host propagandist Rachel Maddow if he believes some members of Congress should be facing criminal charges “for their involvement” in what the Left insists falsely on calling an “insurrection,” the inveterate liar Schiff replied, “I haven’t reached a conclusion on that point, but I do agree certainly with the judge in California, Judge Carter, that there is compelling evidence that the president of the United States and others engaged with very possible criminal activity to obstruct Congress, to defraud the United States, to engage in conspiracy.

“I think that there is significant evidence of corrupt intent,” Schiff added.

If there actually were significant evidence, Schiff wouldn’t have to preface it with “I think” or describe the criminal activity as “very possible.” There either is evidence or there is not, and his weak phrasings clearly indicate the latter.

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