Scalise: Biden’s ‘Win’ Shows ‘How Low the Bar is’ For Dems

Scalise: Biden’s ‘Win’ Shows ‘How Low the Bar is’ For Dems

February 27, 2020

In an interview Wednesday on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily, Republican Rep. Steve Scalise stated that candidate Joe Biden‘s debate “win” Tuesday shows just “how low the bar is” for the Democrat Party.

“With Joe Biden, literally half  the country has died of gun violence according to him, and of course it comes to you from a guy who literally announced two days ago that he’s running for the United States Senate,” Scalise noted, referring to Biden’s most recent verbal gaffes.

“Imagine if a  Republican candidate for President of the United States — our highest office — was on a stage saying that he was running for the United States Senate… The media just let it all go and yet they’re okay with him being president,” Scalise added. “Shows you how low the bar is on that side of the aisle.”

“[E]verybody ought to be watching these debates,” he continued. “They’re not just entertaining. It’s literally watching a train wreck of a major national party happening before your very eyes, and the Democrat establishment can’t seem to do anything about it.”

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