Sanders: Trump ‘Greatest Threat’ to the U.S. in Modern History

Sanders: Trump ‘Greatest Threat’ to the U.S. in Modern History

March 2, 2020

Sunday on ABC’s This Week, “Democratic socialist” and presidential contender Bernie Sanders called President Trump “the greatest threat to this country, in the modern history of this country.”

“It is my view that every Democratic candidate for president, no matter who wins this nominating process — clearly, I hope it’s me — we’re going to come together because we all understand that Donald Trump is the greatest threat to this country, in the modern history of this country,” Sanders blathered. “That he’s a fraud, that he’s a liar, that he’s undermining American democracy…

“Look, Trump is such a threat to our Constitution, to our way of life… We are facing in Donald Trump somebody who is a pathological liar, running a corrupt administration, every Democrat and millions of independents and a number of Republicans understand we cannot have somebody like Trump win re-election.”

In fact, the greatest threat to this country today is the socialism Sanders would usher in as President.

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