Sanders: Demagogue Trump is Going ‘After Minority People’

Sanders: Demagogue Trump is Going ‘After Minority People’

June 19, 2019

Tuesday on MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell Reports, Sen. Bernie Sanders called President Trump an “un-American” “demagogue” going after minorities.

In response to Trump’s tweet declaring that ICE would begin removing millions of illegal aliens, Sanders said, “I think this is a political statement to his base. But frankly, I think this is an outrageous statement. It is absolutely un-American, not what our country stands for, and it is, Andrea, exactly what demagogues always do.

“He will not talk about the healthcare crisis. He will not talk about income and wealth inequality. He will not talk about climate change. But he will try to divide the American people up. And he will go after minority people, in this case, undocumented people, who have very little political power,” he added.

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