Sanders: $3.5 Trillion Spending Bill Won’t Add to Inflation

Sanders: $3.5 Trillion Spending Bill Won’t Add to Inflation

July 15, 2021

Wednesday on CNN’s Situation Room, Senate Budget Committee Chairman Bernie Sanders argued that the $3.5 trillion spending bill won’t add to inflation issues because it will be paid for “significantly by higher taxes on the wealthy and large corporations.”

“I am concerned about inflation, among many other things,” said lifelong Communist Sanders. “As I think you know, this bill, this 3.5 trillion, and then there’s another 600 billion in a so-called bipartisan infrastructure bill, will pay for itself. It will be paid for in a variety of ways, but significantly by higher taxes on the wealthy and large corporations. So, that should not add to the inflation concerns.”

Like all Progressives on economic issues, Sanders has no idea what he’s talking about. Leftists love to pretend that their budget-busting, big-government boondoggles will be paid for by some vague “variety of ways” and by “higher taxes on the wealthy.”

In fact, the “wealthy” simply move their job-producing businesses out of state or overseas in order to evade Progressive predation, and as always, Progressive economic plans end up being oppressive and catastrophic for the middle and lower classes.

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