Rice: Trump Gave Bull Connor-Type Speech to Divide, Inflame

Rice: Trump Gave Bull Connor-Type Speech to Divide, Inflame

June 3, 2020

Tuesday on MSNBC’s The Last Word, former National Security Adviser Susan Rice said President Trump gave a “Bull Connor-type speech” on Monday prior to heading to St. John’s Church that was meant to “divide us and inflame us for his political benefit.”

Rice stated that — in contrast to Joe Biden, whom she laughably claimed does “what a president is supposed to do, what a president is supposed to say” — everything Trump does “is a political stunt designed to divide.”

“For the Secretary of Defense and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, in combat fatigues, to stand up with the president, after he’s given sort of Bull Connor-type speech, and then brandishes a Bible before an Episcopal church, my faith, without the permission of the pastor of that church, it’s about trying to divide us and inflame us for his political benefit,” Rice added.

Rice went on to make the utterly divorced-from-reality claim that Trump intended to deploy the military against “peaceful protesters.” She had nothing to say about the rioting and looting ravaging the country.

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