Rice: Trump ‘Exceedingly Dangerous to Our Democracy’

Rice: Trump ‘Exceedingly Dangerous to Our Democracy’

August 22, 2020

In a Washington Post interview Thursday, former National Security Adviser Susan Rice said President Trump’s “anti-democratic authoritarian” policies “pose a very serious threat to the integrity of our democracy.”

Discussing the Senate Intelligence Committee’s report on alleged 2016 Russian election collusion, Rice said, “I’m 100% convinced that Russia is doing much of what it did in 2016 and certainly more.” She added that Republicans are looking the other way “just at the time that we need to be focused on this threat most directly.”

She added, “Combine that with Donald Trump calling into question the validity of results saying if he doesn’t win, it’s got to be because of fraud. That is the height of anti-democratic authoritarian policy. It is exceedingly dangerous to our democracy. His threats to mail-in voting, his threat to the post office…, calling in the troops to urban areas in order to use violence against peaceful protesters, this is all a dangerous series of tactics that taken together pose a very serious threat to the integrity of our democracy.”

Calling in “troops” to use violence against “peaceful protesters”? Rice and her fellow don’t even bother making their lies credible anymore. The American people can see with their own eyes that the real threat to democracy is the left’s unbridled lust for power.

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