Rice: Trump ‘Does Not Give a Damn’ About Our Health, Safety

Rice: Trump ‘Does Not Give a Damn’ About Our Health, Safety

September 11, 2020

Thursday on MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell Reports, former National Security Advisor Susan Rice claimed that President Trump does “not give a damn about the health and safety and the national security and the economic well-being of the American people.”

“What he was really trying to do was protect himself,” Rice claimed about Trump downplaying the coronavirus to avoid a panic. “And the reality is, and it’s tragic, and it’s been driven home, you know, emphatically by the president’s own words on tape. We have a commander in chief who does not give a damn about the health and safety and the national security and the economic well-being of the American people. He is in it for himself. All he wants to do is be re-elected at all costs, and, you know, make whatever money he can in the process through, you know, whatever means necessary.

“And this is an extraordinary, you know, reality that we’re living with,” Rice ranted. “Never in our history that I can think of have, we had a president who really just doesn’t care. And who is willing to do extraordinary damage to this country that we all love and depend on for his own personal, political benefit.”

Leftis propagandists like Rice and her media enablers know they can’t convict Trump on his accomplishments, so they’re forced to condemn an absurdly false caricature of him as a man who “really just doesn’t care.” The majority of Americans can see the truth for themselves, and will demolish the lies come November.

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